Beyond MBA: Business Tips From The Memogenda

Are you a mover and a shaker? A decider? Do you put the “man” in “management” (and in “woman”)? Duh, or you wouldn’t be here today.

Now that we’ve finished our three-hour vodka martini luncheon, I’d like to share something important with you. It’s about the Memogenda on your steel gray decision-making desk. Tired MonksThe spiral notebook in embossed Leathertex paper. I don’t care what Irish illuminated manuscript calligraphers say, paper is so much easier to write on than dead animal skins. And the Book of Kells could have cut off a hundred years if those monks had Bics. (At left: Unhappy monks.)

MemogendaThat’s but one reason why I so love my Memogenda (at right), and consult it for many a critical business decision. The system is simple to “manage” (har har!) and, if you open to Page 1, you’ll see the necessary instructions. I shan’t go over them. Do it yourself: thanks to the unique Memogenda system I’ve leaned to delegate. After mastering the system you’ll find the answer to “Can I fit in a business decision this week? Hm.” Yes, I urge you to make a habit of using and consulting your Memogenda, for it is “A System For Getting Things Done.” Never before have I felt compelled to quote verbatim the entire contents of something. But the Memogenda is indeed something. First, the basics:

MEMOGENDA is the result of twenty-five years of working with busy executives. It has permitted them to increase daily and weekly productivity. Yet it is flexible enough to be valuable to any busy person. It helps cultivate efficient working habits and gains extra time for the more important phases of one’s life.

The advances made between 1950 and 1975 cannot be overstated. If you make use of the Memogenda each business day, like I have, you will glean crucial Work Habits...

To get more things done requires good working habits. It is possible to gain as much as an hour a day for concentrating, through the efficient use of time. Here are a few suggestions gathered from the writings of a number of experts.

An hour a day! And they ain’t skimping on the secrets. Again, quoting directly, word for word, leaving nothing out hardly, here are the effective Work Habits of busy executives. Will you make them your own?

Keep your desk free of old material.

Act on each item as it crosses your desk. If postponement is indicated, do so definitely.

Be businesslike with visitors who may tend to linger.

Do not attempt too much in any one day.

Delegate anything that someone else can do well enough.

Decide trifles quickly.

At the rear of your Memogenda is a special form for recording Personal Information. I won’t quote every detail found there (a decisive decision on my part), just the critical highlights for top-of-the-pyramid powerhouses like yourself. The main thing is to record basic executive information about yourself. Record your Name, Age, your Wife’s Maiden Name, your Home Address, Color Eyes, Color Hair, Height, Weight, Doctor, Blood Type, Lawyer, Emergency Call, Savings Account No., Bank, Checking Account No., Bank, Safety Box No., Bank, Mortgage, Insurance (including Fire, Life, Health, Medical), Car Record (Make, Model, Engine No., Tag), Social Security No., Drivers License, Cemetery Plot, and, lastly, a section to record your Credit Cards. Should someone other than yourself view it, it will inform them of how important you are. Effective leadership is about showing, not telling.

I decided to share the secret of my success, with you, here, today, after reaching the last page, under where it says, “Shall we tell your friends about MEMOGENDA?” and reading: “If you can make life easier for some friend—if you can help him improve the use of his time—you will be doing him a great favor.”

You’re welcome, Friend.

The Memogenda can be purchased at See? It’s for real. Real serious business.


Anonymous said…
Many thanks for linking my blog. I can assure you however that I will not be buying a memogendas as any post sent to my house is stolen by the post faires
P.L. Frederick said…
I’m sorry to hear that, Freelance Guru. Perhaps the two sides could work something out? I urge you to share Memogendas with the post fairies. It’d streamline their endeavors, like it did for the pillow fairies. Everybody knows how successful their little venture turned out.
Anonymous said…
So ... what do I do with all my three by five cards that are color coded as to category such as shopping lists (yellow), vocabulary words (purple), thoughts that, when published, shall someday rock the world (white) and Stalking Johnny (pink)?

Oh well ... while I ponder let me say, it's glad to see you back on the firing line, P.L.
Anonymous said…
I just now found your comments on Memogenda. Enjoyed reading your thoughts. So ... which size did you get/recommend ... Standard Junior, or Standard? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Hello, you site is very funny he told me to cheer up .. Merry Christmas.
Anonymous said…
You burn ... .. thought ... .... Cool !!!!!! 10
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
P.L. Frederick said…
Thanks everyone.

Anonymous – Depends on your needs. The smaller Memogenda can be more portable, but the bigger ones have more space to "work" in.

Anonymous – Merry Christmas to you too.

Anonymous – Thank you. I am hot.

Anonymous – And may all your wishes come true too.

I'm sensing a theme.
Anonymous said…
Interesting for me//
P.L. Frederick said…
Me too.
// / <-- Are those drumsticks? I think those are drumsticks.

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