My Cartoon Collection (#11)

Cute animules talkin’ work-out schedules and committment. What’s extra funny about this cartoon masterpiece is that neither rodent is presently using the wheel. This forces me, or rather, my brain, to take the connection to the next level: a hamster running on that squeaky wheel into the wee hours of the stinkin’ night. Yet hamsters remain chubby. Oh, the mysteries of nature.

The description on the New Yorker describes these as gerbils. But they’re not. That one there looks like little Sylvia, the marathon wheel runner in my ’hood.

Anyone out there besides me say “hampsters”?

One little hammy to another, standing before a hamster wheel: “I usually do two hours of cardio and then four more of cardio and then two more of cardio.”

Go see Jason Polan's cartoon on the New Yorker page and buy stuff with this cartoon on it.


Maureen said…
Hamster OR Gerbil ... I should print that one off for work (I work in Cardiology) :)
P.L. Frederick said…
Hamster or gerbil? Perhaps Maureen and her educated brethren could solve this long standing riff between myself and The New Yorker. Please?

Am I right or am I right? Gerbils have long tails and they don't look like my hamster Sylvia. And no, in the drawing they can't be sitting on tails. No cartoonist of Jason Polan's skill would pass on the opportunity to illustrate a long lively tail.

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