Dang, Nobody Be Commentin' On My Blog

Except that unique individual from Malaysia, who, daily and with admirable fortitude, composes the comments I delete daily and with admirable fortitude.

As an incentive for everyone else to comment, here’s an ugly pile of mushrooms:

Ugly Pile of Mushrooms


Margie and Edna said…
This just cracked me up! I do love mushrooms but I love how creative you are too. I'll be laughing for a while. Great job!
Anonymous said…
Hi - I'm sorry to hear that. . .

Well. I'd love to get in on the action (even 1%) of the guy suing the bank of new york for the billions and trillions. . .

I've linked S & B to my blog so I won't forget to visit ever again!
Kathy said…
I'd eat those. Fry 'em up in a saute pan, lotta butter. I'm set.
Bill White said…
Dang, that is one ugly pile of mushrooms.

Sometimes, posts are perfect in, and of, themselves, and don't need any comments from The Great Unwashed.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself!
P.L. Frederick said…
Muchas thankos for the comments, my lovelies! It's good to know people are here reading, or laughing, or devouring mushrooms. And Kathy, yes I did saute those 'shrooms, despite the tell-tale age spotting visible. (Hidden underneath are bifocals and walking cane.) Everything's yummy under butter.

All you uncommenters: visit the blogs of those precious, precious souls (insert harp music) who did comment. You owe it to all of us. Or, make your comment here. Your choice.
Lidian said…
Hey, look at that pile of mushrooms! I see them, admire them, comment upon them. Yes, they are very good!
P.L. Frederick said…
Lidian, you are one classy, classy gal.
hahah I love this post. It is sooo funny that you posted a pict of mushrooms for people to comment, and they are! Brilliant!

I'm new to the whole blogging world, check it out!
P.L. Frederick said…
Yes, Harlem. It's my best joke yet. Until I tell people to deposit $94,000 into my bank account and they do. Hah HA.
fedhz said…
hi. thanks for following my science blog. ^^
Tyler said…
I've been on hiatus, but I'm back thanks to a sudden and bizarre craving for mushrooms.
P.L. Frederick said…
Tyler, watch them 'shrooms. Or you will end up on Fedhz's science blog.

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