The Spoon, Most Noble Of Eating Utensils
Phew! Let’s take a moment now to cleanse our auras of negative flatware vibrations and the fact that in my excitement to impress I typed the word utilize instead of use. Take a deep nose-breath into the lungs and belly. Hold, hold, keep holding. Okay now, release, release through the mouth. Release those negative ions. Every last ironic ion on or in us. Breathe ’em out, way away. They need not tarnish the upcoming spoon-fed vision.
For, hark! The noble teaspoon: superior, trusted, and true. Tasty even. Ponder this morsel: You’re stranded on a deserted island with only one eating utensil. What would you choose to be stranded with? I say, Let it be a spoon and let it be a sweetly desserted island!

I believe I’ve admirably proven my opinion. If this proves not the case I’ll eat my words. But only with the spoon, most noble of eating utensils.
The lovely spoons above are from a company called James Robinson. Wow, I’m reading their site and these spoons appear to be handmade! Spoons are so deserving of this. I forget where the Shakespeare picture comes from. You like Shakespeare? Check out my previous posting, Shakespeare, Spelling, And 1¢ Gingerbread. More of my opinion regarding spoons at The Spoon: Superior Speciman Of Eatments. One can never get enough.
great post btw
All the best to you
~~"vol 2"~~