The Spoon: Superior Specimen For Eatments

Regular readers know how strongly I feel on this matter. The spoon is all-around proper for every food-related situation and I'll tell you why. Some of the reasons even involve eating.
  1. The original Mashed Potato Flinger™

  2. Peaceful, non-threatening nature—unlike stabby fork, cutty knife

  3. Retains its thin profile no matter how many cream coated cheesecakes are imbibed

  4. Its middle name is "poo"

  5. Scoop after scoop, dependably measures one teaspoon

  6. A fogged up spoon dangling off the end of your snoz accessorizes a piercing or tattoo

  7. Spoonin' with a loved one

  8. Big round head, small body reminds you of adorable cartoon spoons

  9. Improved safety means it's easier for mothers to give birth to a kid with a silver spoon in its mouth

  10. Close cousin to the beloved shovel

  11. Natural funhouse mirrorness promotes playing with nostrils

  12. Cheaper than diamonds

  13. Ever watch someone eating ice cream with a knife and fork?

For more info, please read my thought-provoking piece, The Spoon, Most Noble Of Eating Utensils.

Spoon illustration from U.S. Government archives.


Maureen said…
"Its middle name is 'poo'..."

P.L. Frederick said…
For the record, I've never witnessed anyone eating ice cream with a knife and fork—but I have seen it done with a muffin. Shudder.

P.L. Frederick
SMALL & big

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