The Spoon: Superior Specimen For Eatments

- The original Mashed Potato Flinger™
- Peaceful, non-threatening nature—unlike stabby fork, cutty knife
- Retains its thin profile no matter how many cream coated cheesecakes are imbibed
- Its middle name is "poo"
- Scoop after scoop, dependably measures one teaspoon
- A fogged up spoon dangling off the end of your snoz accessorizes a piercing or tattoo
- Spoonin' with a loved one
- Big round head, small body reminds you of adorable cartoon spoons
- Improved safety means it's easier for mothers to give birth to a kid with a silver spoon in its mouth
- Close cousin to the beloved shovel
- Natural funhouse mirrorness promotes playing with nostrils
- Cheaper than diamonds
- Ever watch someone eating ice cream with a knife and fork?
For more info, please read my thought-provoking piece, The Spoon, Most Noble Of Eating Utensils.
Spoon illustration from U.S. Government archives.
P.L. Frederick
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