Stephen Colbert Survey Shocks, Delights

Results from August's worldwide Stephen Colbert survey are in! The results are infallible—in fact six extra months were tacked on to ensure a correct tally. Rumors about our misplacing the password for accessing poll results are only gossip, although true.

Folks clamoured from all over to participate during the month-long event, we assume. They did so to evaluate Mr. Colbert's nightly performance. On his show. The final scientific tally? Although respondents could pick from four choices it turns out that an astonishing 100% of you love and appreciate Stephen Colbert. A number like that leaves no room for error. Let us un-discombobulate it for you. Charts communicate with confidence.

Honest Depiction of Survey Results: How is Stephen doing on The Colbert Report?
Free poll courtesy of

Surprisingly, not one respondent said Stephen is doing a great job or an excellent job. Is that because 33% thought that only the use of those two words together adequately fit? We may never know. But enough voters swooped in to choose #4 that we are rewarded with a fairytale fireworks ending. We can scientifically infer that 67% of voters have a tender empathic relationship with animals. Or that those voters are animals. Possibly American eagles.


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