Bionic Legs

"As a kid, The Six Million Dollar Man was my favorite teevee show," Pablo says. We're at the local home improvement store, walking past the wrenches and sockets. I ask him if he ever wanted to have any of Steve Austin's bionic body parts.

"Oh yeah. Of all the body parts, as a kid I always chose the legs," Pablo answers, putting a tool down. "My reasoning being that you get two of them. Steve Austin only has one bionic arm so that's not really an option. And the bionic eye, that's fun—the doll's got that natural hole in his head that you can see through. But a bionic eye is ultimately creepy. The leg is the only bionic part he has two of, because having just one would be useless. Real legs go regular speed."

Huh. We can run only as fast as our slowest leg.

Learn about The Six Million Dollar Man on


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