Love, Is It Immortal Or Immoral?

There's been a lot of news talk about the National Association of Evangelicals. This evangelical group has been at the forefront against civil rights efforts to allow homosexuals to marry one another in the United States. The president of the association, Rev. Ted Haggard of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has had the troubles lately. He's admitted to a secret homosexual relationship with a prostitute (MSNBC article). The cynic in me initially thought, "So it's okay for a man to have sex with another man, just not a relationship." But Mr. Haggard has been seeing the same prostitute for three years. That's gotta fit some definition of a long-term relationship. We all know physical attraction is often the first step on the path to love.

Now that Rev. Haggard's truth is out in the light let's hope it helps heal the self-hatred and fear he's undoubtedly felt for so long, being attracted to men but having a public persona against it.

As all great spiritual leaders teach us, love is immortal and loving is never wrong. While only God is loving enough to judge the human heart, we are each given a most special gift: a heart of our very own to know, to love, to follow. Even an evangelical can truly know only this sole heart. It is never shameful to know.


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