20 Sure Signs You're In A Fancy Public Bathroom
- Montessori child care available, as is pet sitting
- Has its own logo, Board of Directors, public stock offering
- Entry requires minimum GMAT score of 500
- No weapons check
- Shoes removed before stepping onto plush wall-to-wall carpet
- Sushi bar next to pee-trough laser light show
- Organic urinal cakes
- That’s not a door: that’s a Christian Dior
- Walls adorned with autographed oil portraits of famous visitors
- Usher escorts you to your heated seat
- Potty plaque reads, “During use, kindly refrain from grunting.”
- Smells like money
- Antique toilet paper parchment scroll
- Someone else wipes
- Wee Wii wi-fi flushing mechanism
- Undercarriage wash
- Nary an Elvis impersonator in sight
- Automatic dispensors dole out soap, hand lotion, latte
- Your commemorative action photo will arrive in three days
- They’ll never let you in there again!
More on urinal cakes.