All Alliteration

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
—Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

Reading the words ol' Marky Mark wrote in mid-October of 1888 to George Bainton—ahh, it reminds us of the old days. Like that day last week. The one we where we spent the entire day saying words, adding syllables to them, and listening to the words turn on us like a huffy employeer whose employees are slacking off. Only fun.

Starting with "lightning and lightning bug", we thunk up...

Toil and toilet
Rattle and rattlesnake
Grave and gravy
Sad and saddle
Pore and porcelain
Sock and socket
Pep and pepperoni
Horse and horsefly
Butt and butterfly
For and foreign
Marsh and marshmallow
Foot and football
Wit and witch
My and microscope
Cow and coward
Bra and Brawny
Phone and phony
Sea and season
As and aspirin
Be and Beef
Pant and panther
Rug and rugby
Hip and hipocrite
Fun and fungus
Tune and tuna
We and weasel

Changapeluda of Lickety Split adds this gem: Ass and asset


changapeluda said…
ass and asset

Nothing said…
hi! you've been linked!
changapeluda said…
won & wonderful!

Thanx! you got a fun blog goin' on here.

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