Birthmarks 'R' Us

An article called "Birthmarks Indicate Special Purpose" appeared in the 2001 issue of Venture Inward magazine (Sept./Oct. 2001, p.25) and I find myself still considering it years later. It comes from the work of Edgar Cayce, also known as the "sleeping prophet". Folks would pose questions to him while he was attuned to the Infinite and he'd respond. The ones below are excerpts from Cayce's transcribed readings, asked by three different people.

(Q) What was the cause for the birthmark on left hip?
(A) Few individuals there are who do not carry a mark of some character or nature. This is a mark from a former experience, from former activities in the earth plane. (From reading #2175-2)

(Q) Why do I have a mark on my physical body?
(A) As given, there is set a mark in those that they themselves may know that they have been called; that they may understand that they have been called. For it has been given, "I will set my mark upon my own, and they shall hear my voice, and answer—within." Seek into self to know whereunto such has called thee, that ye may answer even as He, "Here am I, Lord, use me as Thou seest fit." (From reading #540-3)

(Q) What caused the birthmark on my baby's arm?
(A) Marks on many bodies, as on this one, are for a purpose—and... it would be seen that it has a purpose to perform in the affairs of those in its own surroundings and in many others. A mark! [An aside: Take individuals everywhere, where there has been or is a mark in the body, and analyze their activity and associations among individuals; for their lives and their associations are different from the ordinary ken. Many will be found to have almost caused or averted tragedies (as called in the earth) in the lives of individuals.] (From reading #573-1)

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Contents above are copyright owned by A.R.E., the organization founded by Edgar Cayce.


Anonymous said…
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
P.L. Frederick said…
Thanks, Ms. or Mr. Anonymous. You can get my email by, in the right-hand column, under About Me, clicking "View My Complete Profile". There's an email listed there.

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