
Yay, I accidently got first place in this month's humor contest over at Humor Power (Humor Power contest) and won a book by Ted Demopoulos (Blogging for Business)! The contest was to think up funny movie titles and descriptions. Although I think others were more funny ("Politicians On A Plane — Quick, let the snakes loose."), I ain't gonna argue with the results. Just like I wouldn't if The New Yorker plucked my writing out of the pigsty, hosed it off, and slopped it into their respected magazine. Same goes for Highlights for Children and Hemorrhoids Monthly ("Don't Sit This Issue Out").

Thankfully the crew at Humor Power is amenable to the present quality of my work, the poor dears. For reference, here are my movie entries in alphabetical order. Let's see if you can figure out the winner.

Ben-Her — A transsexual musical.

Crappy Days — Just the lousy parts of 1950's America.

Fantasy Rhode Island — Mr. Roarke's supernatural island isn't even an island.

It's a Wonderful Slice — Clarence helps himself to angel food cake.

Leaping Beauty — This aristocrat is more attractive as a frog.

Old Cellar — Gripping story of home canning and the vacuum seal process.

Pilates of the Caribbean — Suck in your gut for an adventure on the high seas.

Pulp Diction — Evil professor, cute coeds, the power of enunciation.

The Three Musketeers — Selling the candy bar.

Traders of the Tossed Shark — Don't eat the salad.

So White — Seven dwarves teach a princess about diversity issues.

Stinky Feet — Happy Feet in smell-o-vision.

Yeah, well, humor is subjective. We refer to it as having a "sense of humor" but it's actually a "taste in humor". You can see from my entries that they're not all good. Or funny. "Traders of the Tossed Shark", what the heck is that? Did you guess which won? It was So White.

Me editing tips were moved to a new posting called Writing Humor One Edit At A Time.

Want more useful information? Go over to the Humor Power blog. Be sure to sign up for the free eZine on this Humor Power page!


Anonymous said…
Go you! :)
I've never won anything.
Not even a worst dressed centest.
P.L. Frederick said…
Hee hee!

Maybe you're trying for things with too many other competitors. There's a reason fancy models in the fashion mags don't dress themselves for photo shoots.

But it's never too late to be the worst dressed. Start training today. For starters may I recommend a headband, something polka-doted, and horseshoes?

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