Critic Says, "Hmm..."


Boston, Massachusetts | April 25, 2007 | It has been widely released on the Internet, as everything on the Internet is, that Small and Big has received top honors in a critique of major importance, as all critiques are. Of five blog reviews listed, Small and Big takes first place, largely because it is listed at the top of the page. The honor was bestowed by Critique My Blog at

"We are overjoyed," squeals Small and Big's Chief CEO of Turnips, P.L. Frederick. "We sleepily turned on our email this morning (yawn) to find a wonderous message from the gentleman over there at Critique My Blog, who kindly notified us of the review. Truly, Mr. Critique My Blog is unexcelled in his capacity for wise discernment and excellent taste. Really good taste."

Frederick's pie chart and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets depict the role psychology played in the ranking. "If you take into consideration the human propensity to alphabetize lists, that makes our being first even more amazing. 'S' is number 19 out of 26 letters, see?"


"The reviewer said that too! That this blog made him 'say, Hmm...'"

According to excerpts from the review, the blog is "written" and "organized". It also has "variety" enough for "a jail prisoner".

To read the April 25, 2007 review in its entirety, go to

# # #

Contact: P.L. Frederick
Company: Small and Big (
Region: Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA
Press Release: See actual release on I-Newswire
Other Blogs Mentioned: Critique My Blog


Anonymous said…
I'm so proud of you. You've come so far.
Maureen said…
That's how I found critiquemyblog -- glad I did!
P.L. Frederick said…
Cool! Thanks for your comment, Maureen. I visited one of your blogs (Drowning In a Sea of Creative Chaos) and boy can you paint!

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