Illustration Friday: Fortune
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So you want your fortune read, huh? Well, given the popularity of franchises such as The Home Depot and Lowe's Home Improvement, I've moved to the do-it-yourself model. It saves you big bucks and it saves me from potential lawsuits should you decide to deviate your life from this bonafide, unchangeable, 100% accurate fortune.
Click the image above to see your fortune more clearly and to get instructions on how to intrepret it (you'll probably need to scroll to the right to see the whole shebang). Bring a solar-powered calculator, a basic understanding of icons and color theory, pretzels, a wool sweater, and for seeing into the future, a telescope.
This is my drawing for the Illustration Friday (IF website) assignment, this time to illustrate "Fortune". Sorry if it turned out kind of snotty looking. I was trying for a humorous Monty Python angle but, now that it's posted it's, well, it's not so much. But what's done is done.