My Cartoon Collection (#4)

(Image missing)

Rose Is Rose makes for sweet reading. The caring cartoon family is lovingly created by cartoonists Pat Brady and Don Wimmer. The picture from will eventually go away so for prosterity's sake I'll record an official transcription of said cartoon:

     Panel 1: Rose fills glass of water from her kitchen.

     Panel 2: She leaves house with the glass.

     Panel 3: She walks to the back of a motor home,
     reaches its ladder.

     Panel 4: Climbing atop motor home, Rose hands
     spilling glass to her chubby mother. Mom sits in a
     lounge chair, relaxing and smiling. She's got a rug
     and maybe an eating trough handy. Rose says,
     "Mom! I wish you'd stay in the house with
     us when you visit!" Mom responds, "Oh! I
     wouldn't want to be a burden!"

Sometimes the stuff we choose to do or believe does not in reality "make things easier for others". Instead, it's an excuse to continue doing what we prefer doing. What do we prefer doing? Often what's comfortable, what's familliar. That does not necessarily make it healthy for us or others.

Once we see what we're doing, really see, then we're starting a practice of thinking and behaving in positive, healthy ways. (I think it's called a "practice" because we're always practicing!) This soon becomes comfortable and familiar and then we're in a good place indeed. All it takes is meditating for 10 minutes a day, every day. Meditating, not praying. I've heard it said that praying is talking to God, while meditating is listening to God. (If the God thing isn't for you, call it Listening To My Deeper Self.) Start with two minutes of quiet meditation a day and build up. The key is to do it daily. Doing this helps me appreciate the humor of cartoons like this. I'm no longer stuck in the cartoon.

You can find out more from Pat Brady FAQ, meet the characters, about Rose Is Rose.


Anonymous said…
Very true. It is a rare skill to see our behavior for what it really is.
Anonymous said…
l love meditation
P.L. Frederick said…
Down with pollen, up with meditation.

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