All deep yearnings eventually blossom into a many petaled flower—a beautiful flower that is not a stinky giant "corpse flower" that blooms once every 100 years and smells like rotting carrion. This time, my yearning has gotten me in touch with an ancient Egyptian side. Thanks to a simple and straight-forward online thingy, I learned the Egyptian zodiac symbol that symbolizes the many facets of Me-ness. As of this moment, right now, I confidently come out of the closet as Mouth , the ancient creator goddess who's yawp is heard round the world. Evidently that's why I tell complete strangers, "I brought you into this world and I'll take you out of it." Feminine power and all that. Oh, wait. My mistake. My sign is Mout . Mouth, with an invisible, inaudible, nonexistent h . Crap. Whelp, a simple spelling error ain't causing me to start this post over. Here are the stats. Mout Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, loo...