My Cartoon Collection (#14)

Toothpaste Personality Test

My mouth says a lot about me. According to the Toothpaste Personality Test, it's that I'm “stubborn, slow witted” and, near the end of each tube, likely to spiral into “thrifty, prone to depression.” Too true.

This cartoon gleefully ignores the “rule of three”: humor is most effective when it happens in threes. (That is, if the third item is different enough from the first two that it's a nice surprise to the brain.) Cartoonist Evan Fisch pulls a 1-2-Punch-Punch by offering that fourth tube almost as a follow-up joke. This doesn't always work. Like when we say something funny then keep on talking, perhaps even—gasp!—trying to explain our joke. This kills the Chuckle Factor. Comedians call this “driving past the post office.” As in, I drove to the post office, I meant to stop at the post office I really did but I drove right past it and stopped two doors down at the gas station.

I give this cartoon four stars for being amusing, educational, hygenic, and endorsed by 4 out of 5 dentists who enjoy cartoons. Oops, I just went past something.

Title reads: The Toothpaste Personality Test. Underneath are four tubes of toothpaste. Tube #1 is squeezed from the middle (“impulsive, life of the party”), #2 is rolled up from the bottom (“thrifty, prone to depression”), #3 is squeezed near the opening (“stubborn, slow witted”), and the last tube goes unused ("antisocial, bad breath").

Okay so I, like, found this cartoon in the July 2007 issue of Funny Times. I Googled the cartoonist, Evan Fisch, but see no info about him (or her?) to link you to. This is known as the Evan Fisch Enigma.


Maureen said…
Alas, I am the "Thrify, prone to depression" freak.

Actually, they should show it as all used up, with ME squeezing every last molecule out of it, using my tootbrush to scrape out any remaining bits in the neck of the tube....

Now THAT'S what I call Thrifty....

Okay, okay.... "Cheap"
P.L. Frederick said…
Did your grandmother teach you to do that? Save the rubber bands, rewash the tinfoil, save the water from cooking the green beans. Come to think of it—today that's known as being Environmentally Conscious!
Love your humor, PL... Just so you know, I just posted a social commentary blog prompted by the Minneapolis bridge collapse. Would appreciate your take on it.
Ok thanks I will update links very soon.
P.L. Frederick said…
In Her Own Voice,

Thanks! Also, I checked out your Care and Repair—the Collapse of our Infrastructure post and left comments.

P.L. Frederick
SMALL & big
P.L. Frederick said…
R2K is the father of the beloved Bathrooms of the World. Getting a link for Small and Big on there will give me the Rocket Fuel for Success that I crave!

P.L. Frederick
SMALL & big
imwithsully said…
I think I am stubborn and slow-witted. That's not good, is it? And I usually do keep talking after my joke is done... I mean... ummm.... huh? nevermind.
Rick Rockhill said…
very clever...I'll give it 4 stars as well!
Anonymous said…
Looks to me like Evan Forsch... (who signs his name "Evan4sh"

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