My Cartoon Collection (#21)

My cartoon collection is swelling like a three-day-old cow carcass.

Carcass is a funny word, much like cookie. They rate as funny because they’ve each got the two “k” sounds. Of all the sounds in the English language, the k is supposed to be the most humorous to our brains. Cookie carcass. See?

People, I couldn’t make this stuff up.

Two vultures sit on a dead tree limb. One says, “It was a good rotting carcass, but it wasn’t a great rotting carcass.”

Go see more of Tom Cheney’s funnies on this New Yorker page or buy stuff with this cartoon on it. More on funny words at Wikipedia


Anonymous said…
I don't get it :(
imwithsully said…
hmmm... I guess I made Liam's name funny without trying. His middle names are Karac Coles. Sweet!
Rick Rockhill said…
As far as vultures go, it is funny~
Stine said…
hehehe - funny.

You've got an award - if you're into that sort of thing...
Anonymous said…
What an interesting person you are! I'll be back!
P.L. Frederick said…
I am gloriously behind in responding to SMALL & big comments.

Okay, here goes: (Andrew) Vultures are funny, eating dead animals is not funny, a vulture rating its dead animal meal is funny. Wait a couple years. Stuff like this becomes funny after you turn 18. (I'm With Sully) Seloc Carak Mail—It's even funnier backwards. (Palm Springs Savant) Vultures are funnier in downtown Boston than the Palm Springs desert. (Stine) Award?! Award! I am immensly interested—whether I'm gettin' one or givin' one. Awards are like garage sales: I never tire of them and always come home with a chipped ceramic ash tray thinggie. (ChomFa) I like your style!

There. All caught up. Let lose your new comments.

P.L. Frederick
SMALL & big

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