Go Figure

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...


Rick Rockhill said…
Ouch. I bet she's popular with the boys tho...
Maureen said…
WHERE the heck are you getting these photos???? Is there some kind of bizarre photo website or something? Freaky.
P.L. Frederick said…
Family albums.

Tee hee! Well, that's not entirely true. They're from U.S. Government websites, which offer many images free for public use and "in the public domain". The trick is to spend 10 hours wading through search results, seeking the weirdest ones free of copyright restrictions. Go to Google and do a search for "U.S. government photos". The main one I've used is U.S. Government Photos and Graphics (USA.gov). (I'm not sure if images are only for U.S. citizens.) Have fun with it!

P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)
Unknown said…
Oh my....

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