Play The Spamalot Matching Game

Can you match the name of the spammer with the important email they sent to me?

  1. Zuzar Knuckles
  2. Booker Wiggins
  3. Clifton U. Pickett
  4. Coy Honeycutt
  5. Crystal Ramsey
  6. Hilario B. Levine
  7. Jaime Bonner
  8. Sohrab Gandy
  9. Orli Wigfall
  10. Myron Begay
  11. Mia Bowling
  12. Dorotheos Werts
  13. Zenaida Kitty
  14. Whitfield N. Net
  15. Thaddeus Light
Email Subject
  1. Don’t be shame for reason of of your instrument
  2. You wins $32,000,000 cash!!!
  3. Big Male Aggregate
  4. Great male device is the fact that all girlfriend like.
  5. Umar investment
  6. Explode your email open rates
  7. Heard you were fired
  8. MarylouBodypartPuffy
  9. That your wife speaks, it is necessary to be better
  11. Important internet warning
  12. Sick disgusting girl you Won’t believe!
  13. Need your help!
  14. Mindy’s in town this weekend.. Are you ready?
  15. Say NO to being small-sized loser!

Answers: A-3, B-14, C-13, D-8, E-1, F-12, G-5, H-15, I-2, J-9, K-11, L-4, M-10, N-6, O-7.


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