Put A Yuck-Yuck Into Office

I support smart comedy at the office—the political office. I donated $20 smackeroos to the campaign of Al Franken (www.alfranken.com). Al’s running for the Minnesota Senate and I find myself supporting him even though I’m from a completely different M state, Massachusetts. Why? Here’s an excerpt from the letter I received, minus the boring bits:

Dear Person I'm Asking For Money,

One year ago, I launched my campaign to take back Paul Wellstone’s seat in the U.S. Senate.

...I’ll tell you all about it—but first, we need to talk about money.

Can you help me... by making a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today?

Now that I have that first “ask” out of the way, let me tell you why I think the campaign’s going so well.

Norm Colman is bad—I mean bad...

Our campaign is awesome.

In fact, my first TV commercial featured my fourth-grade teacher.

Can you help me... by making a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today?

(There. I’ve made my second “ask.”)

Thanks for reading,
Al Franken

P.S. Another reason our campaign has been so successful is that, even though I’ve never run for office before, I’ve quickly picked up on some of the “tricks of the trade.” One of those “tricks” is to always make at least three “asks” in any fundraising letter. That’s why I made what my staff sometimes disparagingly refers to as “Al’s P.S. Pledge.” You see, the P.S. is the perfect place to “cleverly insert” the third “ask.” So... Will you make your most generous contribution today to help me beat Norm Coleman?

As a humorous wannabe, I support my aspirational demi-gods. Today, instead of creating the word poliyucks, I’ve used my immense powers to send a powerful message to Humor Unions and Persons Who Hire Humor Writers For Actual Money.

Campaign contributions can be made at https://secure.alfranken.com/page/contribute


Anonymous said…
Thanks for dropping by and suggesting a blogroll exchange. I'd be happy to ... just as soon as I get my taxes done.

Do me a favor though, and nag me if I forget to. Cuz by the time the IRS is through with me I'm unlikely to have many brain cells left.

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