Ennio's Paper Cut

Ennio Marchetto (website) performs in paper. At 100 cph (celebrities per hour), playful costumes transform him into Dolly Parton, Eminem, Marilyn Monroe, Celine Dion, and others. The video below made me laugh, and maybe it will you too. Warning: Contains show tunes.


Anonymous said…
BRAVO! I laughed till my face hurt! How BRILLIANT is that? Loved it! Thanks for raising my consciousness to Ennio!
P.L. Frederick said…
Hee hee! Was it seeing Dolly Parton riding her donkey? Celine Dion with her Titanic arms? Oh man! That's where I seriously lose it.
bspinner said…
Dolly Parton was a hoot!!!
van dyke said…
Hysterical! Very funny. Loved it a lot! Pretty good use of paper and the costumes and hair were barely wrinkled considering all the wear and tear they get put through. Nice! And silly!
P.L. Frederick said…
What? Dolly Parton is a hooter?
Rick Rockhill said…
oh he is hilarious! love it

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