6 Borky Things About Me

(Borky: boring and quirky)

I’ve been memed! According to tradition this is a solemn ceremony wherein I first have to figure out what “meme” means. Fortunately, my nifty memer, Jenny of I’m Having A Thought Here, carefully passed down the details to me. It turns out that participating in a meme isn’t difficult, as long as you have a blog already. Guilty!

(Thanks to my indoctrination I now know that the proper way of starting this paragraph would have been, I’ve been tagged. )

In this here meme the rules are: 1) Link to the person who tagged me (Ms. Jenny). 2) Mention the rules (yer reading ’em). 3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself (below). 4) Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them (bottom). 5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that let’s them know they’ve been tagged. This ensures that meming is contagious.

Here goes. A half-dozen borky details about meself:

1. In sixth grade I stole a pink lip gloss from the local Ben Franklin Five and Dime store. I stretched its use out for three years.

2. I enjoy mowing the grass. And the smell of my lawn: freshly cut sand.

3. “America's Favorite Home Videos” can lead me to hysterics, laughing so hard. Falling, slipping, and tripping, oh my! (I assume no one featured on AFV experiences lasting injury or lasting death.) At times I laugh so hard and so long—well after they’ve cut to commercial and come back, and sometimes days later—that my spouse expresses concerns for my health. Whether he means mental or physical is unclear.

4. For 18 years I was a vegetarian. (The kind that eats dairy and eggs and Tofu Pups.)

5. That I know of, the only creature I have a near-phobia to is a scorpion. Once I was startled to see one for sale at a pet shop: a 4-inch venomous lump hidden in the shadows, with too many legs and sparse hairs. The aisles went kitten, puppy, birdie, fishy, scorpion. Shiver! The poor thing probably thought similarly of me: “Ew, what is that, with neither stinger nor brown carapace?”

6. I like writing upside-down words. No reason. I just do.

Now, which six bloggers shall I infect, hmmm? I choose:

1. Rick Rockhill, the Palm Springs Savant
2. Maureen at I’d Rather Be Blogging
3. Pipetop
4. Mother’s Got a Dot Com
5. Freelance Cynic
6. Captain B. Free at Gluten-Free Cookie Federation


Anonymous said…
CHUCKLE CHORTLE LOL! I dub you the absoLUTE funniest person in the universe. Mesmerizing memerisms, my friend!

I think your spouse is concerned for your mental health, though ... just so you know.
Anonymous said…
Thank you... I think! :-)
Now - to find 6 boring AND quirky things...
Fun Food Eater said…
i like writing right to left - just to see other ppl's reaction

P.L. Frederick said…
I hear you, Fun Food Eater! Writing right to left and then looking at it in the mirror—it's also like a private message all to yourself.

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