Taking A Stand On Lemonade Stands

Up ahead a piece, by the side of the summer road, a dozen children wave and jump and holler. I sneak a look for the tell-tale sign and there it is: “Lemonade 25¢.” Sugar-rush capitalism is cute. Unfortunately I have a policy: never drink lemonade. It gives me a headache. So what should I do when I pass a lemonade stand? They’re so happy and wholesome and probably putting the money towards their 401(k) retirement funds. Do I pretend not to see them hopping up and down on the picnic table, or do I wave while driving by—Hi kids, guess who’s not stopping? Which is less of a guilt generator? Ack!

A memory pops: my own lemonade business, the summer before sixth grade. Us kids would do anything we could to get a car to notice us. Anything. The ones that didn’t acknowledge us, well, once, my little brother wee-weed on a passing car as its driver sped by, staring resolutely at the yellow line. Kids, what kids? Pee, what pee?

I hit the brakes and wave big.


Anonymous said…
Instead of lemonade stands, we used to set up comic book stands. I drew little 4 page booklets and stapled them together for 50 cents. Was a much better business than lemonade.
P.L. Frederick said…
Kim, you were an entrepreneurial prodigy! A comic book stand. Well I never. It's no wonder you turned into an amazing designer/illustrator. Plus, you probably didn't drink away the profits like I used to.
Jenny said…
Sugar-rush capitalism, LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Your brother sounds like quite the character ...
Anonymous said…
OMG! He peed?

I can see why you stopped then.
'Cause with the way standards have dropped over the years, you never know what you'd end up with on your car...
P.L. Frederick said…
Remember, he was all hopped up on lemonade. And pee.
Anonymous said…
I have a simple solution: stop and buy a cup then drive away and dump it out the window.

Everybody's happy! Unless you really wanted that quarter.....

Nice blog. Funny stuff.
P.L. Frederick said…
Sullonious, I hadn't considered that. Thanks for the idear! I may add it to my repertoire. I could also drive past and throw money at the little entrepreneurs. More of a time-saver, that.
Anonymous said…
I love how crazy kids get to attract your attention, but when you actually stop, they all clam up and become shy wallflowers. And inevitably, my drink will be carried to me with fingers submerged inside.

I'm amazed inflation hasn't hit the the lemonade stands yet. Even with the fingers, what a bargain!

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