According to certified genius Marilyn vos Savant (yup, her real last name), we humans have four levels of vocabulary. They go from big to small, from easy to difficult:
That’s why we can read about complicated subjects, no problem, but struggle to find the right word in conversation.
Wikipedia entry on Marilyn vos Savant
- Reading vocabulary – We’re most capable of this, our largest category of words. To read, we only need to recognize the word and understand its meaning in context.
- Listening vocabulary – We have two ears for a reason, eh? We can understand the gist of the word spoken in context to the whole story.
- Speaking vocabulary – This category is challenging. To speak, we’ve got to not only remember the word, without prompting, but put it into appropriate context. Instantly.
- Writing vocabulary – This category is the smallest: it’s the most difficult for most people. (Personally, I think my writing vocabulary would test larger than my speaking. When talking, I use words like, “gooder” and “what's the word I’m looking for?” When writing, there’s Google.)
That’s why we can read about complicated subjects, no problem, but struggle to find the right word in conversation.
Wikipedia entry on Marilyn vos Savant