The Fat Bone Test
Curious to discover whether that big butt is really big bones? Here’s how to find out: you measure a body part that doesn’t have much fat or muscle on it. What you need for this:
– A tape cloth ruler
– A rough idea of your height and gender
– One wrist
1) Measure your wrist with the ruler.
If you’re a woman, you have a large skeleton when your wrist measures 6.5 inches (and you stand 5'5" or taller), 6.25 inches (if you’re between 5'2" and 5'5"), or 5.75 inches (5'2" or shorter). If you’re of the male persuasion a measurement of 7.5 inches (5'5" or taller) puts you in the Big Bone category.
– A tape cloth ruler
– A rough idea of your height and gender
– One wrist
1) Measure your wrist with the ruler.
If you’re a woman, you have a large skeleton when your wrist measures 6.5 inches (and you stand 5'5" or taller), 6.25 inches (if you’re between 5'2" and 5'5"), or 5.75 inches (5'2" or shorter). If you’re of the male persuasion a measurement of 7.5 inches (5'5" or taller) puts you in the Big Bone category.