The Fat Bone Test

Curious to discover whether that big butt is really big bones? Here’s how to find out: you measure a body part that doesn’t have much fat or muscle on it. What you need for this:

– A tape cloth ruler
– A rough idea of your height and gender
– One wrist

1) Measure your wrist with the ruler.

If you’re a woman, you have a large skeleton when your wrist measures 6.5 inches (and you stand 5'5" or taller), 6.25 inches (if you’re between 5'2" and 5'5"), or 5.75 inches (5'2" or shorter). If you’re of the male persuasion a measurement of 7.5 inches (5'5" or taller) puts you in the Big Bone category.


Jenny said…
My wrist measures just a tad over six inches! I am trying to lose weight so surely this will change! I want to have a bird skeleton!
P.L. Frederick said…
Wouldn't it be cool to fly though? Think of the calories burned up!
Dave said…
No matter how much I measure, I can't get it to more than seven inches. Damn it. You've ruined my life!
P.L. Frederick said…
If you'da been a girl this wouldn't have happened, Dave. A 7" wrist on a woman would be admirable. Blame your parents.
Yayoi Neko said…
I have a wrist a tad over 6.5" and I am 5' 6" tall. Holey crap! My doctor was right, I am big-boned! Yaay!
P.L. Frederick said…
Awesome! That'll also do you well as you age. That bone-loss thing won't affect you as much.
Anonymous said…
i'm 14 and 5'4 yet my wrist is 6.75 inches
P.L. Frederick said…
Anonymous: Looks like your bones will do you good into old age, you lucky anonymous person, you.
Anonymous said…
Ack!! I am a woman and 5'1", my wrist is practically 7 inches!!
Anonymous said…
I'm a woman. 5'6" and my wrist is right at 7". Weight 165. Although I used to weight 120. No wonder why people called me Bones back then lol
Anonymous said…
If you are not a female age 18 and your measure is off it's because you haven't grown into your body yet. I have always had big bones but didn't grow into my features until the past 2 or 3 years. Now it seems like all the pretty girls from 8th grade are duffs and me (the chubby odd faced girl) is now the hot girl :) but I'm still big boned. basically if you're 14 and worried about your looks, don't worry about it until you're done growing, I used to hate the way I looked but now I don't.

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