11 Reasons I Will Not Review Your 'Penis Enhancement' Web Site

  1. Eww

  2. Ugh

  3. Bluck

  4. Lack storage space for free samplers

  5. Busy reviewing the Pen Is Enhancement web site

  6. Gack

  7. Not up to date on my shots

  8. What, no googly eyes? You call that enhancement?

  9. Icky ick

  10. Retired from that career 10 years ago

  11. Maybe if you’da gone with “Wee Wee Enchantment” instead...


P.L. Frederick said…
And now, a personal shout-out: I will not post any spam fornication-related comments here either so stop trying already Mr. and/or Ms. Spammy McSpammerspam.

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