You've Got Handsome Eyes

Peeping in a box of old books setting under my desk here, I see an ancient pamphlet from the 20th Century. The thing’s called something New Agey like, “HEALTH SECRETS FOR WOMEN.” (Today, we see all capital letters as screamy. In previous centuries it was thought to be Authoritative.) Before putting it in the recycling bin I came across an interesting bit, though I don’t know if it’s true. Do you?
Protect your children’s eyes. Did you know that children develop myopia from reading? ...The Chinese urge their children to do something called palming. After every half hour of reading or close work, they rub their palms together until they tingle and then put their palms over their closed eyes, for 15-30 seconds. This technique involves sending energy to the eyes from the palm, which the Chinese consider a center of energy.”

There isn’t a humorous point to this post. (It doesn’t even use a funny word like chigger.) Although, anyone practicing this palming thing probably has crazy stories to trot out during parties. Hmmm. Perhaps I shall try it meself.


Anonymous said…
I think this blog is funny because of the ending :) Perhaps I will try this meself as well!

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