It's Not The Bedbugs So Much...

Drat. There go my chances to unwittingly moon YouTube.

Sign generators at Probably a spam site but, hey.


Dave said…
Oh well, I'll just have to come to Small & Big if I want to see a wise crack.
P.L. Frederick said…
Tee hee! At rates this low you can see forever.
Dave said…
Hang on I’ll just get my miner's hat and Davey lamp.

You shouldn’t encourage me you know!

Hey, I’m willing to bet they rent by the hour rather than the night. Unless you’re using the honeymoon suite which is a four hour minimum. No pets though.
P.L. Frederick said…
Nothing says Commitment like a 4 hour minimum!

You had me looking up Davey lamp: A safety lamp lit by a candle. Enough Davey lamps in a room would lend a real romantic atmosphere. Demand pumpkin scented ones, for nothing says Thanksgiving and Your Money's On the Dresser like pumpkin.

Say, were you named after the lamp?
Dave said…
LMAO off @ Your money’s on the dresser. Classy.

Yes. That’s how I came to be named. My parents were both miners and I was conceived in a deep shaft. The lamp was used so that my dad could see where he was drilling.
P.L. Frederick said…
Snicker! There is nothing I could possibly type that could make that image worse. Or better.

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