Callin' All Bawston Interpretahs

How good are you at understanding Boston-speak? That good, huh? Try your brain at interpreting this... (Answer below.)

“Sully blasted me with an elastic while I was at the bubbler seeing if I couldn’t get the American chop suey off my Compliments. Now I gutta take ’em to the cleansas.”

Go ahead. Give it a try. When you’re ready for the answer, read on.

Correct interpretation: “Mr. Sullivan hit me in the head with a rubber band while I was at the water fountain seeing if I could get the macaroni with hamburger and tomato sauce off my Girbaud jeans. Now I have to take them to the dry cleaners.”

Cheer up, I only knew “elastic” meant rubber band and I’ve lived here over ten years. Boston, the city that doesn’t have milkshakes, only “frappes.” Oh, and the town of Worcester? Pronounced “Woostah.” If you say it like it’s spelled nobody but nobody will know what you’re talking about. I love my state! Er, commonwealth.

Thanks to Boston Magazine for this!


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