Hee hee! Thanks, Peacebang. I found your post on their twinship (here's the link) and I think these two examples seal the deal. Youkilis, we're onto you.
OMG How Hillarious!!!! I was doing a search for photos of Kevin Youkilis and found this blog. For the past several years I have called him "Youkon Cornelius". I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one!!!!
You are indeed not alone in this, Yvonne. I firmly back you up and also suggest that Youkon Cornelius is a genius-type name. At subsequent conversations invoking said name, print out this scientific photo comparison and present it as Exhibit A. The nose don't lie.
Thanks for visitin' and commentin', Ms. Yvonne!
Anonymous said…
Oh I can't believe it!!
I thought I had this idea myself! I wanted to send some pics to the local radio station with "separated at birth" and found this! I thought was the first person on the planet who thought this up!
The radio station needn't know. Let's keep it between ourselves, shall we? (Or, feel free to give them these pictures here, but please mention Small & Big blog. I need all the promotions I can get, eh?)
“Anizo 100% Reality Mind.” What this means, I have no idea. A friend found it living in a vending machine on the street in China and brought it back to Boston for me. The one-inch tall yellow plastic guy (I think it’s a he) has a smile, a blue tear, a pair of hand holes, a growth atop his head pierced clean through, and, on his backside, a man getting squeezed between two lines that I hope do not represent butt cheeks. The warning printed on the paper insert commands, “Do not use as lifeguard equipment.” Anizo and I, we’re inseparable. Anizo 100% Reality Mind!
Maurice’s cunning helped him evade that hungry field sparrow, and in doing so he discovered something new: his special affinity for flowers. He decided to go for it. He attained his Master’s Degree in floral arrangement from Chicago School of Flower Design. Today Maurice owns and manages a successful retail floral operation behind the shed there, to the left of the plastic green leprechaun. This is my drawing for the Illustration Friday ( IF website ) assignment, this time to illustrate "Hide". Click it for a bigger version.
Are you a mover and a shaker? A decider? Do you put the “man” in “ man agement” (and in “wo man ”)? Duh, or you wouldn’t be here today. Now that we’ve finished our three-hour vodka martini luncheon, I’d like to share something important with you. It’s about the Memogenda on your steel gray decision-making desk. The spiral notebook in embossed Leathertex paper. I don’t care what Irish illuminated manuscript calligraphers say, paper is so much easier to write on than dead animal skins. And the Book of Kells could have cut off a hundred years if those monks had Bics. ( At left: Unhappy monks. ) That’s but one reason why I so love my Memogenda ( at right ), and consult it for many a critical business decision. The system is simple to “manage” (har har!) and, if you open to Page 1, you’ll see the necessary instructions. I shan’t go over them. Do it yourself: thanks to the unique Memogenda system...
They're TWINS. Your Photoshopping is genius.
Thanks for visitin' and commentin', Ms. Yvonne!
I thought I had this idea myself! I wanted to send some pics to the local radio station with "separated at birth" and found this! I thought was the first person on the planet who thought this up!
The radio station needn't know. Let's keep it between ourselves, shall we? (Or, feel free to give them these pictures here, but please mention Small & Big blog. I need all the promotions I can get, eh?)
Zipper Lip