Ice, Ice Hockey

Snailboni (cochlea zambonica)
(Click it to bigify.)

Last Sunday’s finding put escargot into my brain. So here’s my try at snail humor or hockey humor or, Oh man I’d love to drive a Zamboni, wouldn’t you? Especially on a hot summer’s day when just saying the word “ice” provides cooling relief. Ahhh.


Wendy said…
Okay, you really MUST put this on a greeting card. Really!
P.L. Frederick said…
Hee hee! Thanks, Wendy. Your comment made my day. Think I'll celebrate with a Bruins game, which happens to be on right this moment.
Bill White said…
This blog is great! I'm glad I found it!
forcryeye said…
that is pretty dang clever!
P.L. Frederick said…
Thankee, sir and ma'am. You've made my day!

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