What Costs As Much As A Plane Ticket To Ireland This Summer, Maybe More?

  1. Pet care for the cat and dog while you’re away

  2. Renting a place for you, the human, to sleep while in Ireland

  3. Taking vacation time off, unpaid

  4. Repairing your pick-up, which breaks down the week before

  5. Parking your pick-up near Boston Logan airport, to just sit there the entire time, plus buying a TomTom map of Ireland, except they don’t sell a map of Ireland so you gotta buy the entire Great Britain map to get at Ireland

  6. Renting the smallest car found in Ireland, essentially a motorcycle with a hood up top, plus car insurance because it’s not covered by U.S. auto insurance and no one can satisfactorily explain why (are sheep driving while texting?)

  7. Buying any amount of euros with U.S. dollars

  8. Vacationing with someone who complains non-stop about how expensive everything is

  9. All of the above

For the correct answer see the comments below.

(Leprechaun dude from this Wikipedia page and awesome usage rights to go with him from copyleft_attitude.)


P.L. Frederick said…
Answer: I. All of the above

Isn't listening to someone complain about prices awful? Thankfully I do not have to listen to someone like that, as I will be that person.
Bill White said…
Bon Voyage!

Don't forget to lock your keys in your car at the airport!

We did that once, and it makes the trip so much more memorable.
Lucky Girl said…
Yes, they all sound expensive, BUT--it's Ireland! What a fun trip it should be!
P.L. Frederick said…
I'm baaaaaack! Just returned but a couple hours ago and boy was it fun even though I forgot to lock the keys in the car. More blogging later. Thanks for your comments, Lucky Girl and Unlucky Boy, a.k.a. Bill.
Mobissimo said…
You plan to have vacation in Ireland?
It's far....and of course expensive.
Have a nice vacation.
Bill White said…
I agree with everything Anonymous says!

I think.
P.L. Frederick said…
Sorry Bill, I deleted Anonymous. Don't know how the Chinese messages got on here but I musta accidently allowed them. Even though Anonymous is surely a witty, eloquent conversationalist and not a Hot Sex Viagra Lose Weight Now Get Rich Here's How spammer, we must stick to English here in the comments because that's all I read (and sometimes not even that). That must be why Anonymous tries to comment 5+ times a day.

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