Diet While Eating: Fantasy Vs. Reality

Lose  Weight Whilst Eating


Bill White said…
Nice to have you back and posting. Did your style change while you were gone?

I hope you didn't forget to bring back some duty-free Lucky Charms™!
P.L. Frederick said…
You know, I looked for Lucky Charms at the airport's duty-free shop and they weren't in stock so I bought a personal-size bottle of wine to drink on the plane. I don't usually drink much alcohol so when I do it's cost-effective to achieve the intended results.

On the style: Yesterday I set myself the task of doing 10 cartoons. (From 3 sketchbooks of ideas.) I worked lean and mean to get just 3 done; and that only happened because I used my mechanical-pen quick-sketch style, with no penciling in first. (And on this one, forgetting to label the weights and put in jumprope-swish lines.) By day's end I only had one colored in. I figure the only way I'm going to get going on this cartooning thing is to pump it out and improve as I go along. As Cathy Guisewite says, "Accckkkkkk!"

And thanks, it's good to be back.
P.L. Frederick said…
This cartoon has been fixtified: now with more words and jump rope swishes, at no added cost to you.
Anavar said…
That would be so fantastic if I could eat whole cake and lose weight! I'm so bored when exercising, so I rather eat less and hoping to lose pounds. This cartoon picture is great.
P.L. Frederick said…
Yes, unfortunately even Pretend Cake has Pretend Calories. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Anavar!

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