PSA: (Don't) Send In The Clowns

Send In The Clowns
Sometimes Mom chooses the music for the bride’s march down the wedding aisle. Apparently, according to a certain NPR audio segment, a percentage of moms choose one special song, one they find to be touching, loving, beautiful: “Send in the Clowns,” by Judy Collins. Yes, Ms. Collins has a beautiful voice, especially when she’s mourning, but there are other matters to consider, like the actual wording of the song, like this:

     Don’t you love farce?
     My fault I fear.
     I thought that you’d want what I want.
     Sorry, my dear.*
     But where are the clowns?
     Quick, send in the clowns.
     Don’t bother, they’re here.**

  * Tear jerker.
** Marching down the aisle.

This has been a Small & Big public service announcement.


Lidian said…
I'm sitting here laughing in disbelief! I want to know about these moms who think this is a good idea - I can just imagine the rest of the wedding...A clown car instead of a limo. Juggling waiters. Ice cream clowns instead of cake (upside down ice cream cones with little faces made of icing!)
Bill White said…
EEK! Where on Earth did you get that clown painting?! The horror!

I only hope this isn't hanging over your mantle in the sitting room!
Kathy said…
What the? Maybe these are mothers who don't think too fondly of their soon-to-be sons-in-law? Again, what the?
P.L. Frederick said…
Lidian, you're hilarious! A clown car, hee hee hee! During the afterparty the audience could watch poodles dance. Or ride around on little poodle bikes. This is starting to sound like a fun wedding! Except for the fleas. And clowns.

Bill, I know. I was in an antique shop in Plymouth with my camera and the painting cried out to be photographed. Well, mostly it just cried. Fortunately I do not possess a sitting room. Unless one counts the bathroom. Ba-dum bum!

Kathy, my sentiments exactly. When one's parent invites this song to the wedding, thar be trouble a'brewin'. Either that or Mom doesn't think very highly of her own marriage. I suspect that is highly likely.

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