Yoda Gone A Bit Soft?

Yoda, a big softee

I don’t have anything much to share today. But I did find Yoda in the closet, at the back, under a pile of women’s shirts. I can respect that.


Kathy said…
He's so cute! Freaky, but cute! What is his fate now? Does he get to keep a spot in your closet?
P.L. Frederick said…
He spends a lot of time with the cat, practicing Yoga. (Ha HAH! Get it? Yoda and Yoga!) Yoda's a quiet chap, partially due to his sewn-on mouth.

Hey, I noticed today: you and me, we gots the same last name. Awesome! I hope that means your writing skills on The Junk Drawer will rub off on me, like the genie in a lamp or something.
Kathy said…
Yoga.... you made a funny. Yeah! Same last name! Oh, and you're too kind. I still can't think of anything to write about. But I'll rub the lamp just the same.
P.L. Frederick said…
Thank you kindly ma'am.

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