Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, And Such

The Small and Big Amiglia-maticThose are wonder drugs that promote “male enhancement.” I like that. I like that it makes better men; better at whatever they can be better at: singing, cooking, vacuuming, surfing, skiing, poetry, buying presents, being peaceful, thoughtful, gentle, being all muscley. Through the wonders of genetic science, something so tailored to each man's needs, wow, it's a miracle. Heck, give them to the females too. Have everybody take them.

What? No? It’s a euphemism for “penis hardener”? Oh. That is a disappointment.


Jonshon said…
What's the real difference between the prescription meds like Cialis and the natural ones like Virection or Lexaryn? Do those natural herbal supplements work? I'd love to get some real feedback on that since you can't believe anything you see on these guys' websites.
P.L. Frederick said…
If one can't find the answer on Small & Big, Jonshon, science will never know.

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