Just For You: A Blurry Turkey Head

Turkey Head
This is from 2008 when I bought three young chicken hens at auction, two of which turned into roosters just three months later. No, I didn’t buy the turkey too; the turkey head was attached to a turkey body and what do you do with a waist-high bird?


Jody Hedlund said…
Cool picture! So, I guess you didn't quite get what you bargained for, eh?! ;-)
P.L. Frederick said…
Nope. $66 for one hen and two faux hens. Sigh.

For anyone going to the Topsfield Fair autumnal poultry auction, I have this advice: Make sure your psychic sex-identifying skills are top notch. You won't be able to see the birds so you'll need to be able to see directly through 1) the cardboard box containers where they're kept and 2) seller-hoaxes. Plus, wear a warm coat.
Nessa said…
Hi P.L. Frederick!

Thank you for the banner. You didn't have to but it's greatly appreciated :)

The turkey looks weird with that thing on its head... is that normal?
P.L. Frederick said…
Hi, Nessa! You're welcome and, unfortunately for the turkey, Yes. I think it's a boy turkey and I think that lopsided lump is supposed to be sexy to girl turkeys, like a hat with a rakish tilt.
I just had to say that your post's headline cracked me up!


- Margaret
P.L. Frederick said…
Did it cracked CORN you up? Ar har har!

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