$200 Sells For $43.7 Million? Have I Got A Deal For You!
Step right up, folks! I want to introduce you to the Sale of the Century. What I have here is a genuine $5 bill, a bill of superb printing and quality, with nary a crease or a fold on it. Yes, nary a crease! Little lady, won’t you come up to the stage and give it a look-see? See that born-on date there? What does it say? 2004? 2004, folks. And is it a real bill, in your honest opinion? Yes? Yes. The little lady has spoken. Yes, my good neighbors, this is an honest-to-goodness paper bill manufactured in and by thee glorious United States of America. Now, you might expect to pay, how much for a bill of this quality... one-hundred, two-hundred thousand dollars? Two-hundred eighteen thousand dollars? Hah ha! Oh, no sir! Sure you’ll see them advertised for that, sure, sure. But not here. Not now. Not from me. In fact, I will sell it to you, now, limit one per customer, for the astonishingly low, low price of—are you ready for this—these perfect little beauties, of exceptional construction and whereabouts, are available to you, now, for but a mere $75,000! Wo! Easy now, there’s enough for all. Please, sir, madam, no need to shove. Let us maintain decorum. After all, this is art.
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