One Person Needed For Cartooning Class in Duxbury, MA

Ack. Just one more person needs to sign up for a cartooning class I wanna take. I've taken it before so I know it's awesome. If you're like me this may very well be the most enjoyable class you've ever taken, so if you wanna learn cartooning (you do!) and live in the area south of the Boston (or can helicopter in), please, please, please sign up. You can be a beginner — just as long as you know which end of a pen is the inky part. Hark!, here are thee details (and I hope to see you on Tuesday, which I will if you sign up):

Cartooning for grown-ups
Mat Brown, Instructor
Tuesdays: 6:30pm – 8:30 pm (6 weeks, May 8 – June 15 new date)
Location: Duxbury Art Association at Ellison Center for the Arts, 64 St. George Street, Duxbury, MA (for map, see below)
Designed for people who like to draw, this course teaches the conventions of cartooning, caricature, gag panels, comic strips and editorial cartoons from the perspective of a well known professional in the industry. An e-mail address and the ability to scan and send your cartoons is essential for the student to obtain individualized instruction. Materials list provided at registration.

How to sign up: Stop by the DAA office (website) or call them at (781) 934-2731, ext 4 (9:00am–5:00pm). They can register you over the phone if you have MasterCard or Visa.

About the teach: Mat Brown has over 20 years of teaching experience, but he is most well known for designing and creating the award winning advertising for Building #19, a large chain of retail surplus and salvage stores. His work features jokes, puns and the famous caricatures of its co-founder, Jerry Ellis. Brown's art has also appeared in the Boston Globe, the Patriot Ledger, Yankee Magazine, and marketing textbooks. Mat is a member of the National Cartoonist's Society. To see Mat's work and more, visit his website at


David said…
I concur that it is a great class, that I have signed up for too. You'd better sign up, or we're gonna come looking for you...we know who you are...sign up now!
P.L. Frederick said…
Yes and if you're reading this, it is a sign you should sign up.
Bill White said…
As a completely biased observer, I must tell everyone out there wanting cartooning instruction, that Mat teaches a really great class. Well worth the pennies.
P.L. Frederick said…
Update: Yay, the cartooning class is taking place!

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