P.S., A Post Script

You may have noticed a reduction in drawings from yours truly. That’s a’cuz I’m attracting buyers for my cartoons (“buyers” being an overstatement) but, apparently, magazines and card companies prefer that they show my work first, in the form of you buying it. So... while you’re seeing less P.L. Frederick cartoon stuff here, think of it as an opportunity to see more Just Plain Suff (JPS) here. There’s a great big world of JPS and unnecessary acronyms on Small & Big, waiting just for you.

Yours truly,
P.L. Frederick, Esq.

P.S. You’re still my favorite.


Bill White said…
That does not excuse you from doing cartoons exclusively for your blog!

Just sayin'.
P.L. Frederick said…
Hmmm... I suppose you're right. As usual. Sigh.

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