Caricature Of Warren Buffet (And A Book Recommendation)

Warning: book recommendation coming up. I read Warren Buffet’s Management Secrets, by Marry Buffet and David Clark, and it’s awesome. Awesome. Proof that you can be nice on the inside and get nice stuff on the outside. I got the book because Small and Big’s shareholders are all like, “Dividends! Results! Guillotine!” And because of the subtitle: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success. Among the morsels from the booky book:
  • The best companies to work for and invest in have a competitive edge: they either sell a unique product that doesn’t change much from year-to-year (Coca-cola), sell a unique service (H&R Block tax service), or are a low-cost buyer/seller a product/service that everybody’s continually in need of (Walmart).
  • Work at a job you love. The people who are most successful love what they do. There’s no point in suffering over bucks — if you’re working only for the money isn’t that a form of greed?
  • “Praise by name, criticize the category.” Give others credit for the success, small and big, and do it publicly; but if you’re going to criticize, criticize the bigger picture instead, like an entire job profession (bankers). If you must criticize a specific person, praise them first.
  • Win arguments Ben Franklin style. Instead of arguing with someone, agree with them. When you’re on the same side the person is more likely to listen to your ideas. This is huge and not about lying and, well, too big to explain here. Read the book.


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