What's So Funny?: Cartoon Humor Opinions

Having cartoonist pals give you the straight dope is an invaluable way to increase your humor-to-drawing ratio. For me, it allows me to fix stuff before anyone important sees it, like you. My ladybug Santa cartoon was interesting. I drew two versions — one with a ladybug-Santa face and armsies the other where he's a dot and a hat — and sent them out for feedback. Most of the crew picked the bigger one so that's the one that ran. But I liked Dot Hat Santa best. (Maybe I should have just made his hat life-size?) Here they are for comparison. I'm curious, which do you think is funnier? And why? Please let me know by using the comments link below. Thanks, Sugarplum.

Ladybug Santa asks that you not sit on his lap.

-- versus --

Ladybug Santa asks that you not sit on his lap.


Bill White said…
I (still) like the dot Santa better. Now that I ruminate on it though, it might be funnier if the kid waiting in line was REALLY fat.

Again, go with yer gut, and don't ask opinions of anyone until you're finished. Ask a thousand people, you'll get a thousand opines.
David said…
I still say the smaller ladybug is best.
Greg said…
I like the smaller ladybug, and I think like Bill said, make the first kid really fat!
Bunk Strutts said…
In cartooning, subtle is always better except when it's not. Tinybug!
Mikal said…
The larger one is funnier. Obviously, the point of making him as small as possible is funny. However, in the larger one, you can actually see him and his santa outfit in detail, which makes it much funnier to me. And he's still pretty tiny.
P.L. Frederick said…
Thanks, Mikal! That helps to know. :o) (Yay, feedback!)
P.L. Frederick said…
OOh, and thanks to Bunk, Greg, David, and Bill too!

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