The Best Advice You'll Read Today

"If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to pursue drawing as a career what would it be?"

David of David Wasting Paper (he doesn't) posed that question to over 200 well-known-and-famous-even cartoonists, then narrowed the very best answers down to 15 cartoonists. It's useful advice for anyone interested in creativity, gainful employment, or following their dream. That's you, and you're going to want to read this even if you're not interested in being a professional cartoonist yourself. Click here to read The Best Pieces Of Advice To Someone Who Wants To Pursue Drawing As A Career.

David's blog is at David Wasting Paper.

Also, don't think you can draw? Ha! You're oh-so-mistaken. Read this.


David said…
Hey Paula, thanks for posting this with the link back to my blog! I really appreciate that.

There is some great advice from these talented if I could just follow it :)

I stumbled upon this person's site from the UK, his name is Shoo Rayner and he is the next participant in my Cartoonist Survey.

He has some good advice to share here...(watch the video at the bottom of the main page.)

Then watch this one...

He's very enthusiastic which is catchy! It still amazes me how many talented people are out there who are more than happy to share their knowledge with everyone.

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