The Tantrum [video]

"I can't let (my parents) know I have super powers. They'd only worry."

This is the first cartoon my pal John Fountain did. It's called The Tantrum and it aired on Nickelodeon at like 3 am on a Sunday at the dawn of the 21st Century. It is autobiographical. This is the first time I've seen it because SOME people don't tell some other people stuff. As far as I know it is the only instance of Putting Out Fire By Giving It The Raspberry. A pity. (If the military jumps on it they'd call it POFBGITR. That's pronounced "PUFF-bah-giter" and help generals say "puff" more.)

Without further a-doo-doo here's The Tantrum:

Also, Fountain's better half has a good blog called To Kid or Not To Kid. Will she or won't she kid herself? Go there and peek.


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