The End-All Solution To End All U.S. Voting Issues, Or, Serious Election Awesomeness
United States democracy is awesome: every citizen 18 years and older votes. People of every race, gender, and affiliation get to the polls before they close to mark that little box that helps elect, or not elect, their chosen official. Everyone votes — you, me, your friends, my friends, our friends, that neighbor we don’t like, poor people, rich people, smart and not-so-smart people, vegetarians, meat eaters, fruitarians — we all vote. Wonderful, beautiful democracy. Our democracy. Ha ha, just kidding! People in the U.S. don’t vote. In the 2004 Presidential election less than 43% of eligible voters voted ( U.S. census reports ). This is down from the 69% who voted in 1964 ( source: Bill Moyers ). (That was a “high” point. Hey, it was the 1960s.) Not hearing from a huge segment of the population makes for insiders and outsiders: those who vote and are heard and those who don’t vote and are not heard. Me, I am not a politician, an expert, an a...