My Joke Collection (#3)
"I lost a buttonhole."
—Steven Wright (website)
"Sew what?" This joke is swaddled in my collection because I first heard it as a teenanger and loved the imaginative concept of a common buttonhole altering my concept of reality. Misplacing a hole? The smallest thing I've lost is a teensy clear rhinestone from my Barbie doll necklace. That and my dignity.
Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.
—Steven Wright (website)
"Sew what?" This joke is swaddled in my collection because I first heard it as a teenanger and loved the imaginative concept of a common buttonhole altering my concept of reality. Misplacing a hole? The smallest thing I've lost is a teensy clear rhinestone from my Barbie doll necklace. That and my dignity.
Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.