My Joke Collection (#6)
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
—Jack Handy (website)
I always leave room for optimism in my joke collection. That Jack Handy is a story teller with a gift for exquisite commas. His advice turns a nightmare into a win-win situation. You fall, you're saved, your rescuer gets a prize. Potential fallers out there: the key is to stay calm, think lightweight, and steer towards the open window. Also, look expensive.
Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.
—Jack Handy (website)
I always leave room for optimism in my joke collection. That Jack Handy is a story teller with a gift for exquisite commas. His advice turns a nightmare into a win-win situation. You fall, you're saved, your rescuer gets a prize. Potential fallers out there: the key is to stay calm, think lightweight, and steer towards the open window. Also, look expensive.
Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.