My Joke Collection (#13)

I'm a hypochondriac. At least that's what my gynecologist keeps telling me.
—Gregg Rogell (myspace)

This joke starkly divides the world into the two sexes—those who have HMOs and those who do not. Fortunately, Gregg doesn't let the fact that he's a man limit his health care needs. Think of the health insurance hoops he danced through to get a doctor willing to care for his non-existing woman bits. Egads. Like, if the tables were turned it'd be so hard for a woman to get a testicle doctor. (Do those exist? I hope so because Testicle Doctor is a funny job title.) (But not as funny as Doctor Testicle.)

Of course, any gynecologist examining Gregg would soon find that, as a woman, he suffers from serious deformities. I suspect the problem would be attibuted to genetic issues stemming from his father's side of the family and maybe a kind of hernia.

Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.


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