My Joke Collection (#18)

It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.
—Jerry Seinfeld (Wikipedia)

Ol' Jerry turns my notions about information upside down. His joke leaves out just enough detail so's I can come up with my own discovery, my own Ah ha! moment. "Hmmm, why do articles exactly fit the space, never spilling over? Do purveyers of news decide what not to put in, thereby insinuating that that's all the news there is? Gasp! Why, newspapers partake of this practice the world over, from time immemorial." Well, maybe not since "immemorial" because the existence of newspapers implies a recorded history, however loosely. It implies schools too, since most papers require readers with a 9th-grade reading level. And the alphabet, for reasons that can only be explained by using the alphabet.

Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.


Anonymous said…
Good stuff. I've always wondered how the world produces just enough news to fit on a daily BBC Podcast too..

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